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Selectmen Minutes 02/12/2013
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
February 12, 2013

Members present:   Mike Paveglio, Jeff Jordan
Others present for all or part of the meeting:  Nancy Tanner (Town Administrator), Allen Mayville, Alan Quimby, Matt Cole, Jim Plunkett, Bernie Reinhardt, Donna Chagnon, Lucille Noel, Thomas Houle, Anne Davis

Chairman Paveglio opened the meeting at 7:00pm.  

Department Heads

Building:  One permit issued with a fee of $100.00
Fire:  The new truck will be delivered tomorrow morning.  Chief Quimby and Deputy Chief Cole attended the Planning Board meeting regarding the new equipment rental business. Alan reported that 5 people from Chichester have taken the shelter operations class.

Highway:  Jim has not been able to make contact with the property owner on Dame Farm Road.  The Board will remove the discontinuation article from the warrant.  Jim completed the paperwork for FEMA for storm Nemo.  The total cost was $25,642.  Jim thanked Matt Cole for plowing the fire station during the storm.  There have been two recent accidents and in both case someone hit us.  Jim was asked to clarify the bid on the culvert for Perry Brook Road.  The paperwork he provided stated the Contech had been awarded the state bid; however Jim purchased the culvert from JAF Industries.  Jim explained that we could not buy that size culvert from Contech and that JAF is Contech dealer for that culvert at the state bid price.

Mr. Jordan asked Jim about the practice of putting down stone (on the icy roads) instead of sand.  Jim feels the stone lasts longer and blends in with the ice better.  Mr. Jordan does not feel it gives as much traction as the sand.

Historical Society:  Mr. Reinhardt put together a price list for the needed items at the community building.  Mr. Paveglio made a motion seconded by Mr. Jordan to expend $248.32 out of the community building maintenance line.  Motion passed.  Jim Plunkett stated that he knows an electrician who has already been through the building and is willing to donate some time for the fixes.

Library:  There will be an open house on February 22nd 7pm – 8:30pm.  The Garden Club is meeting twice per month.  The young writers group and the story hour are also continuing.  On the 25th there will be a cupcake decorating party for the 4th, 5th, and 6th grades.   The raffle of the month is a quilt and a stoneware plate.

Heritage:  The commission is writing a grant for the remaining windows in the Grange.  There are 10 windows left to be restored.

Other Business

Zoning:  Follow up to Perry Brook Road: The zoning is very vague.  We still have life safety concerns.  Mr. Paveglio will conduct an informational visit to the property.  
The Board received a sign complaint about a business on Route 4.  Nancy will draft a letter.

Legal:  The Board will be in court on the 20th and 21st with the Vien V Town of Chichester case.

Snow:  Nancy reported that the JLMC noted the Library’s emergency exit is not being shoveled.  She suggested getting someone to be responsible for the shoveling at the Library and Town Office.   It is currently being done by office staff.  Jeff Jordan volunteered to take care of the shoveling.

Grange Hall Rentals:  Evelyn is no longer interested in handling the rental of the Grange Hall.  The Board is looking for someone to take that job over.  

Granite United Way:  The Granite United Way has asked the Board for a letter of support to continue their work in the State.  The Board agrees with the letter.  Nancy will draft one for next week.

Community Development:  Mr. Houle stated that some of the sign violations may be prohibitive to businesses and he would like to see business encouraged in Chichester.  He feels new business is a good way to keep the taxes low for residents.  There was a brief discussion about community development.

A motion by Mr. Jordan and seconded by Mr. Paveglio to adjourn the meeting at 7:50.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,
Approved when signed

Nancy Tanner

_________________________               _____________________      ______ABSENT____________
 D. Michael Paveglio, Chairman        Jeffrey Jordan                                 Richard DeBold